The MVNO Directory 2011 contains over 1,200 named management contacts. These people are selected from the MVNOs’ senior management teams and feature job titles such as President, CEO (Chief Executive Officer), CFO (Chief Financial Officer), CTO (Chief Technology Officer), CCO (Chief Commercial Officer) CMO (Chief Marketing Officer), Executive and Senior Vice Presidents plus other senior positions. It is not feasible to provide direct e-mail or telephone numbers for these people so you will not find these within the directory; to get such information would require the individuals to volunteer their correct contact information for 3rd party marketing, which is something a senior executive will not do.
446 profiles have at least 1 contact listed. We avoid listing the same person twice, even though they may manage multiple MVNOs across different countries. The majority of profiles with no named contact are very niche operations targeting fewer than 10,000 subscribers.
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